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In every entity, the cause and effect of what happens within it is formed based on how the people connected to it react and how that forms their responses. We call that the Human Impact Effect (HIE). As the HIE is at the root of everything, starting there and working our way out from it helps to better identify the strengths and vulnerabilities of the entity's foundation. Through our discovery processes we help our clients to learn the connected realities within and affiliated to their organization.
Our Mission: To have our engagement be one that matters for each client and to help them achieve a level of betterment because of it.
All entities claim that their people matter. However, not all members in leadership understand what it takes to make their entities function on a daily basis. Often, thoughts are that as long as today is operating like yesterday everything must be okay; that is until something happens to reveal that all is not and has not been well. Likewise, in the lack of understanding of what it takes to keep things moving, leadership can also lack the understanding of how adjustments are having to be made, the impacts of such, and the unsung heroes and heroines who simply put their heads down and travel through the challenges to make things happen. The lack of true clarity can foster distrust, low morale, high turnover, and a lack of loyalty.
Assuming and knowing are two completely different things. Concentrated efforts rooted in HIE take an organization out of the assumptive realm into the realm of reality.
First - We meet you where you are! No two clients, even if you have similarities, are the same. Therefore, it is important to respect your uniqueness's and treat you as such.
Second - The discovery process sets the foundation for our approach.
Third- Our goal is to be as minimally disruptive to your daily processes as possible.
Fourth- Recommendations are rooted in facts that are realized during our discovery processes.
Our bench strength is expansive. As we know that we cannot be all things at all times. We rely on our proven and trusted strategic partners to support us when services that are outside of our core competencies are needed.
Like the mythical Phoenix we support our clients to rise from their challenging ashes and soar.
Our strategic expertise has supported communities, corporations and businesses, governmental and quasi-governmental entities since 2007.
Over the last 17 years, we have been privileged to have worked with some wonderful clients on some very complex projects. Clients whose revenue are between the just getting started level, to over $3 billion. Our clients are both in the public and private sectors. We have performed:
We have made an intentional decision to remain tight in size, while remaining expansive in capabilities. Our capable strategic partners allow us to expand our team to fit the needs of our clients. However, our model ensures that the investments our clients make in us is dedicated towards servicing their needs, rather than in supporting the maintenance of an image.
Our services include:
Our approach is one that teaches our clients skills to be able to better troubleshoot their environments in real-time. However, we never abandon a client, for experience has taught us that dynamic shifts can require additional insight support.
There is no better partner than one who desires to see you for you and how you truly are. One who meets you at that place, doesn't try to force fit another's solutions onto you. But rather, presents and helps you to implement solutions that are designed based on our developed and clear understandings of your environment.
We meet you where you are and help you to become who you desire to be! - Strength Through Discovery is our motto.